The Denver Jazz Club Youth All-Stars are looking for a high school (preferably a non-senior) trumpet player who would consider joining our band! We would like to find a dedicated, hard-working Denver metro area high school musician who can sit-in, and play along, with our band on Sunday, February 2nd (1:15-3:45pm). Rehearsals take place at Denver Percussion (7399 S. Tucson Way, Centennial). Additional future Sunday opportunities may take place as well (Times to be determined).
Our websites,, and, have more information about the Denver Jazz Club Youth All-Stars. The band performs at clubs and various venues throughout the Denver area. A concert tour to New Orleans will take place this July.
You’ll find PDF’s of music and recordings in the downloads section of our website, under documents and reference recordings.
Please confirm, so we can plan on your attendance at a future Sunday rehearsal.
Dr. Ed Cannava
Denver Jazz Club Youth All-Stars