Concert Schedule

Each 3rd Sunday of the month, from 2:00 until 5:00pm, the Denver Jazz Club hosts a monthly event featuring a professional band. The University of Colorado Denver Claim Jumpers Ensemble is on break for the summer and will return in the Fall.

Admission (cash or check) is $10 for members of any jazz club, $12 for anyone who isn’t a jazz club member, and free for age 12 and under.

Exceptions are the June event which is scheduled the 2cd Sunday in June and the December Event, admission for everyone over the age of 12 will be $12.

January 19: The Crystal Swing Band

February 18: The Queen City Jazz Band, Mardi Gras Celebration

March 17: Jeremy Mohney and his Band

April 21: The Hot Tomatoes Dance Orchestra. Ron Cope Scholarship Fundraiser Event

May 19: The Poudre River Irregulars

June 9: The Harmony Hotshots Jazz Band (Please note this is the second Sunday in June)